Use 720p for best sound. Inspired by Prodigy and Electronica. All Synth sounds in this song is from Matrix 6. Rythm/drum sounds sampled from Boss DR-660. Son…
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Make beat Freestyle Akai Mpc 1000 5000 2000 3000 RENAISSANCE By Dj Mel_A®
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oh man. I’m in love. Great gear n got soul. keep it up! i can’t believe how
much gear you have. are those turntables 1200’s? Please make many women
friends and teach this to them lol
MERCIIII facebook/djmelA1
Oh snap that neck nice beat
lourd tes prod je fais du rap dit moi ta pas une page facebook?
Lourd Amel ca représente grave !! rien a dire ! respect cousine ! DJ MEL-A
yeahhh thxxxx it s a freestyle
Merciiiiiiiii frere !!!!!! boummmmm boummm j ai assez dormi
mouahhh potooooooo
kkep banging them pads b nice drums str8 hed knoker check my page out im
subscribing to ur page
@ttwistt thxxx so much so i am girl !!!!!