a random loop with a low pass filter, a basic beat and a few karate kid samples thrown in for a laugh,
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a random loop with a low pass filter, a basic beat and a few karate kid samples thrown in for a laugh,
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Posted by Admin Support in Akai MPC 1000 Blog Tags: Akai, beats, MPC1000, Summertime
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anybody tell u that u favor flex washington a lil lol but...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000that delay effect makes your samples feel more massive, more present. This...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000whats the beat at the end of the vid its dope ass...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000
Thanks, I’m in the UK.
First time I heard this I was like “nice”, but now, Man this tune was in my
head at school. I just realised how wicked it is.
Man them drums sound a little too stock to me homie the rest of the beat is
fire! My crew has freestyles on this joint.
“Remember deed, NO QUESTION!”
I made this to show a friend how easy it was to make a beat, hemce why its
really simple bit im glad you like it. I can send you the wav as it’s all I
have now. I never saved this project on my mpc. Would love to hear your
contribution. My new page is NuMooninba. Nice one.
@UltimoImperio :/ Remember Deal*
damn man nice beat ,,, where u from AZ ??
i need some lyrics, any offers?