yahoo!オークション(日本)に出品の『AKAI mpc1000 /128MB RAMメモリー・新品パッド付き』の音確認時の映像です。
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Modelo Azul, con Upgrade de sensores de Pads, Paneles Laterales de Madera, Perillas Vintage, Disco Duro de 100Gb.
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yo u are the shit my dog keep kill then foe sho!!!
@escalatorman i feel sorry for your ignorance about Japanese custom that dont wear shoes in the house…
nice. soulfull:)
That is a waste of electricity that beat is wack as hell !! don't worries check out my beat on here look up my artist swingfx blame it on the game!!
@escalatorman ha ha
nice cover!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO @ Duck feet
I feel sorry for this guy, he's blown all his dough on electronics and now he can't afford any shoes. Let's have a hedge fund for him…
mpc 2000xl plus reason 4= death to all triton and motifs
If you pair any mpc to any ASR mod, It sound luv leeeeeeeeee.
HalfSharkGator" when you "own" a mpc. Sick Japanese shit comes every 16th note….
whats some sick japanese shit i can sample?
You have duck feet!?!?!?!
limited edition or custom make ? Nice beat thou !
Ud de donde es? todavia la tiene y en cuanto la deja si es asi?
la zorra <3