Apologize for cam and sound quality.
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Apologize for cam and sound quality.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Posted by Admin Support in Akai MPC 1000 Blog Tags: 1000, Akai, beatdiggah, instrumental, nature, vibes
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anybody tell u that u favor flex washington a lil lol but...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000that delay effect makes your samples feel more massive, more present. This...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000whats the beat at the end of the vid its dope ass...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000
You got serious soul man! Diggin this 🙂
Just watched it two more times… I would spin this on vinyl.
Boss ass beag yo, whered u get the pads mpcstuff ? Hownu like em
thanks homie for the kind words. i’m currently working on my solo project.
just stay tune, peace.
Thanks. Yes, from mpcstuff. l like it more than stock pads, better
sensivity. Peace and stay tune for my future solo album called “Based On
Reality LP”. I hope to make it before new year.
Dope beat yo!
Pete Rock swing hihat 🙂