a quick explanation of my gear + a sample beat with live looping skip to 3:00 for the beat! http://www.soundcloud.com/hydrophonics.
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a quick explanation of my gear + a sample beat with live looping skip to 3:00 for the beat! http://www.soundcloud.com/hydrophonics.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Posted by Admin Support in Akai MPC 1000 Blog Tags: 1000, Demo, Improv, Kaoss, Kaossilator, Microkorg
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anybody tell u that u favor flex washington a lil lol but...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000that delay effect makes your samples feel more massive, more present. This...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000whats the beat at the end of the vid its dope ass...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000
Nice Demo! Cool Jam!
man, this sounds great. I am glad you have all that gear and know how to
hook it up properly!
Insane set up & skillz. Good to see a true craft worker & not some silly
button masher. Good stuff cuz..thats alot of coin on that desk!
Any chance you could draw a map of how everything is interconnected? I’m
putting together a similar setup and would like to see how other people
have everything put together.
sick, you killed it. question though. how do you record and mix all that
you just done as a track? or is that not possible as in, can that setup
only do it all live and not record in order to bounce a final mix?
wau increible mi hermano bless
A diagram of the I/O would be cool but I understand if you don’t want to
share. That being said. Cool setup and performance.
i have a KP3+ on the way how highly would you recommend also getting the
kaosscilatorr pro if im going into electronic music production?
very cool , you double the bpm on the mpc clock ?
gooood joooooob man,,,
Outstanding performance and demonstration. Awesome AWESOME WORK MAN!!!!
i first listend to this bcoz i was checkin out ur set up but im now playing
it just bcoz i funking love this tune man. big respect to u an anyone one
that can hans on do this outa tha box thas real tallent,….love an peace
This is awesome, building something like this on the fly? Very cool:
Amazing!!! What do you use for realtime looping?
Nice gear over here. :)
Awesome touch with the Kerouac. Blow man, blow.
Where can I source vocals like that?
Sick man!
thank you! this is great!
what is the song. becuz I can’t find on the soundcloud
am i correct in thinking you’re using headphones in the mic input as a mic
when i can see one next to your mixer ?
Good shit!
this dude is THE MAN