Akai MPC 1000 Blog Category
The first MPC1000 video of the series im gonna start making so stay tuned!!!
Big Cartel: http://sigsgraffiti.bigcartel.com/
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Great JJOS ,64pads all midi control changes.
sorry,DSI TETRA Bad make poor sounds.
Great os JJOS!!
Thank you!!
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Faça o download da música:
( http://migre.me/jjJep )
Conecte-se com o DJ Rafinha MPC:
Tweets by DJRafinhaMPC
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( http://ctt.ec/UalQc )
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a segment of a longer live set i put together playing instruments into the octa and looping them up on the fly.
Simple jam on the MPC1000 using pad mutes. You have to push this thing to make it sound sweet. It has a kind of old, brown tone lacking warmth compared to my Yamaha SU700, but it grooves so much better!
All sounds sampled from a Nord Lead (except the kick) and processed ITB. Digital output used to bypass the shitty converters. Compression courtesy of an Alesis 3632
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Learn how to record and lay down your beat in the MPC1000 (via JJOS2XL).
Check back every Wednesday for a new episode!
Like any of the beats? Check out http://www.nomadikh.bandcamp.com
Subscribe to Nomadikh: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nomadikh
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Here’s the second video from our Akai MPC sampler series, and in this video we pair up the Akai MPC 1000 with an E-MU Mo’Phatt sound module. We demonstrate the Mo’Phatt’s ability to transmit different patches on different MIDI channels.
For this demonstration we have the patches laid out as follows:
Midi Channel #1 – Hi Hats
Midi Channel #2 – Kick Drum
Midi Channel #3 – Snare Drum
Midi Channel #4 – Bass synth
ect, ect…
Where every track on the MPC is set to the following MIDI Channel:
Track 1 = Channel 1A
Track 2 = Channel 2A
Track 3 = Channel 3A
ect, ect..
Where MIDI A – Out from the MPC1000 goes to the MIDI in on the Mo’Phatt.
For the MIDI controller we’ll be using the pads on the MPC1000 and the keyboard from the Novation Bass Station 2.
@Midiverse_TV – on twitter!
Please subscribe, and leave any comments in the section below. Lots more MIDI tutorials and Synthesizer reviews coming soon!
Contact: midiversetv@gmail.com
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Highlighting some of the major OS changes between the two. There are a great many upgrades and changes between them, so if I missed them feel free to put them in the comments. Hope this helps for people to understand the difference.
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Quick description on how you transform a sound into another with those beautiful machines that are Akai MPC’s.
Sample used is Dee Dee Sharp Gamble singing “Ooh Child”.
I use Ableton to record and make few arrangments such as adding an Eq8 and a multiband dynamics.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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Google ‘MPC Maid’ to download the software that I used in this tutorial video.
Here’s a quick tutorial on a much faster way of making drum and sample programs for your Akai MPC sampler. In this example we’ll be using the Akai MPC 1000 Sampler/Sequencer and the “MPC Maid” software to create drum programs the easy way. Then I’ll also be showing you some very quick and basic drum sequencing tips using the note repeat and note quantization settings.
This is just the first video in a multiple part series on the classic Akai MPC, so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next one. Also check out our last video that demonstrates using the MPC’s sequencer to drive external synthesizers.
@Midiverse_TV – on twitter!
Please subscribe, and leave any comments in the section below. Lots more MIDI tutorials and Synthesizer reviews coming soon!
Contact: midiversetv@gmail.com
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Agallah drops one of the freshest beat sets on air via MPC 1000.
Peace to the God Agallah.
Breakbeats & Rhymes
Hosted By Rebels To The Grain
90.7 FM KPFK
Sunday 1-4 AM
Documented by Stuckinthetrees
Recent Comments
posted in Spinscott – Live MPC 1000 Jungle / DnB Drumming (#6)from xp
anybody tell u that u favor flex washington a lil lol but...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000from Bino .Byrd
Another ill beat Rawwww
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000from illbainezy
that delay effect makes your samples feel more massive, more present. This...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000from mesaoneCCK
whats the beat at the end of the vid its dope ass...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000from Yung Bless