Akai MPC 1000 Blog Category
How I synch Cubase and the MPC1000. I probably missed a few steps. You can go to www.mpc-forums.com for help if there is something that is not clear.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
How I synch Cubase and the MPC1000. I probably missed a few steps. You can go to www.mpc-forums.com for help if there is something that is not clear.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Chopping a sample on the Akai Mpc1000
From the http://www.soundsforsamplers.com
Mpc1000 tutorial dvd thats OUT NOW!!
Mpc5000,Mpc500,Mpc 2500,Mpc 1000,and Mpc2000xl Tutorial Dvd out now at http://www.soundsforsamplers.com
If you do NOT see the slice option on your mpc1000,you need to update your OS.
To download the newest Mpc1000 os go here
KREVA – ひとりじゃないのよの元ネタ。
Softones – Maybe Tomorrow
Tweets by yochubeats
Video Rating: 4 / 5
100% live square pushing. memorecks.ca
1. Transformers
2. NES
Video Rating: 4 / 5

KREVA – ひとりじゃないのよの元ネタ。
Softones – Maybe Tomorrow
Tweets by yochubeats
100% live square pushing. memorecks.ca
1. Transformers
2. NES
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Native Complex
“Two-Tone Love”
Shot by Greg Hinchman
Chicago 11.30.12
HD Available
This is the first of many MPC (MPC1000) videos to come.
Piano and Bass samples were created by me in Reason.
Hope you Enjoy! Subscribe if you want to catch the next one!
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/coldplayer/20100605 解説記事
Video Rating: 4 / 5
putting together a guitar version of Aphex Twin’s – On
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Watch this video to find out how to add an internal hard drive device into your AKAI MPC 1000. I used a Hitachi Travelstar 100GB IDE Hard Drive. Model #HTS541010G9AT00– Hitachi Travelstar 5K100 100GB (Discontinued)
Here is a Link for similar hard drives via amazon: http://tinyurl.com/MPC1000HD
Here is a link for the Akai KIT-HDM-10 via amazon: http://tinyurl.com/akaihdm10
Here is a link for Akai MPC’s via amazon: http://tinyurl.com/AkaiMPC
Video provided by mike_nova from http://www.subsoniqradio.com . Listen to Subsoniq Radio on Stitcher App for all mobile devices www.stitcherradio.com
Pulling up some old raw/unfinished beats on my MPC1000 that have been collecting dust.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Pulling up some old raw/unfinished beats on my MPC1000 that have been collecting dust.

Here is the first single from my brand new instrumental album “Reign Showers”
This Joint is call Aquaplaning on the MPC 1000
Peace King i Divine
MPC Beat Making Video
Hip Hop beat on the MPC
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Recent Comments
posted in Spinscott – Live MPC 1000 Jungle / DnB Drumming (#6)from xp
anybody tell u that u favor flex washington a lil lol but...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000from Bino .Byrd
Another ill beat Rawwww
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000from illbainezy
that delay effect makes your samples feel more massive, more present. This...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000from mesaoneCCK
whats the beat at the end of the vid its dope ass...
posted in Drum Layering on the MPC1000from Yung Bless