How I synch Cubase and the MPC1000. I probably missed a few steps. You can go to for help if there is something that is not clear.
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i had an idea. instead of soloing back and forth, try this…. record track
mutes. that way, you just extend the sequence and have all your tracks
muted except for track 1, then after 8 bars have all tracks muted except
for track 2, and so on. this will save you alot of time waiting for the
sync to lock in at the beginning
yeah last of the mohicans. it’s by KISS i believe.
whats the name of the stand u have your mpc on?
Man that just answered the question that I had been wanting to know! Good
lookin out.
Hey man good tutorial, although I got a mpc2kxl here. Hooked to cubase,
what I don’t get is – Do I still sequence all my notes into the mpc or do I
use cubase now for that? I also have a synth midi’d to my mpc A port, got B
port to my m-audio 192. I’m trying to sequence VSTi sounds into my mpc for
a mixdown but it’s like all channels on the mpc are registering as one midi
channel?(huh)? Global mode i suspect well thanks alot man
Good looking on the tutorial.
man u do this hard, lol this is yo way
@mesaoneCCK good idea!
i link my mpc to my korg triton via midi, but you should try addind all
kinds of vsti’s and vst effects to your tracks , and,? can you send more
than stereo audio to your computer??
@mesaoneCCK but also, I have 8 ins, so I can do 8 tracks at once, don’t
really need to do it this way for me.
if u used the midi time code u should be able to get ur stuff to synth
right away
i have a question is there a way to use the sequencer in cubase to control
the mpc with midi??
can my 3000 do this????
lol i said synth i meant sync
dang ! what movie is that from ? Last of the mohicans or summet ?
Hey, if u would… Check this out…(how to mpc/fruity loops)…Can this be
done using cubase?